What I do

My acupuncture services

Acupuncture Services

The different acupuncture and related therapies I provide. Incorporating the best of Traditional & Classical Chinese Medicine as well as Japanese, Korean and modern perspectives - sports medicine and neuroanatomy.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a disease which affects more than 560,000 Canadians, often between 40-60 and mostly women.

Symptoms: a variety of symptoms that worsen with exertion or activity which can last from hours to months, continuous fatigue and reduced activity levels for more than 6 months, poor sleep, difficulty getting to or falling asleep, cognitive dysfunction, dizziness, visual disturbances and more.

ME shares a lot of symptoms with other conditions such as fibromyalgia, IBS, depression & anxiety, allergies and long-COVID.

Acupuncture (gentler than usual), cupping and moxibustion are pretty effective in treating this and is often the best place to begin. Because of the digestive issues, supplements and herbal medications are often not absorbed and wasted

Why choose Nanaimo Acupuncture?
Up to 70% of ME sufferers cannot work and around 25% are housebound so it can be difficult to afford regular treatment. Nanaimo Acupuncture has always been among the lowest costs per treatment for acupuncture and has been providing low-cost, sliding-scale community acupuncture since 2009. If you’re not working, you might have coverage through MSP Supplementary Benefits for a portion of treatment cost.


Headaches and migraine respond well to acupuncture treatment. Whether it's related to neck tension, changes in hormones or other, treatment is available.

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Quit Smoking

I've worked over 12 years in addictions and mental health. There's no magic spot to help you quit, but acupuncture does help. Whether you want to quit cold turkey or taper off slowly. I provide affordable acupuncture services so you can get as much treatment as you need.

Neck pain

The most common pattern in the clinic lately - neck, shoulder and upper back tension & pain. Often compounded with headaches, grinding teeth or numbness in your hands.

Breech Presentation

Actual info coming soon

Carpal Tunnel

Actual info coming soon

Plantar Fasciitis

Actual info coming soon